All applications for membership should be on the approved form and are reviewed and approved by the Association’s National Executive.
There are a number of classes of membership:
1. Ordinary Membership
Bravery and gallantry recipients, or their nominated next of kin in the case of a posthumous awardee or deceased awardee, under the Australian Honours and Awards System or the former Imperial Decorations System. This extends to bravery awards made by Law Enforcement, Corrective Services, Emergency Services and Philanthropic Organisations (both state and national).
2. Associate Membership
Individuals who have a direct next of kin or close relationship to an Ordinary Member or a member of the Association admitted as a result of his or her special qualifications, interest or capacity to support the aims and objectives of the Association and accepted by the National Executive.
3. Life Membership
For nominated persons who have given long and distinguished service to the Association and to the attainment of its goals and objectives.
Current Life Members:
Mr John Thurgar SC MBE OAM RFD,
Mr Graeme Samuels BM,
Mrs Hedonna Thurgar,
Mr Jim Runham SC AFSM OAM JP,
Mr Victor Boreham OAM,
Mrs Coralee Lever,
Mrs Sally Gregory,
Mr James Preston,
Ms Melanie Warburton, and
Mr Andrew Kendall OAM.
4. Honorary Membership
Category One: is open to an individual who is a Level 1 Bravery or Gallantry award recipient under the Australian Bravery/Gallantry Decorations and the former Imperial Bravery/Gallantry Decorations systems.
Category Two: is open to an individual who has accepted an invitation by the National Executive to become an Honorary Member.
Current Honorary Members:
Mr Warwick Cary ESM,
Mr Jon Stanhope AO,
Mr Keith Payne VC AM,
Mr Darrell Tree CV,
Mr Tim Britten CV,
Mr Allan Sparkes CV,
Mr Victor Boscoe CV,
Mr Richard Joyes CV,
Mr Doug Baird OAM,
Associate Professor Geoffrey Boyce FRCP (Edin and Glas) FRACP FACP FAAN FAADEP,
Ms Pamela Davidson BM,
Chaplain Jim Cosgrove,
Mr Bernard Collaery, and
Mr Richard Rolfe AM.
Membership Fees & Forms
Membership fees are due annually by calendar year.
Ordinary Membership: $30.00
Renewal of Ordinary Membership: $30.00 per year or 5 years $90.00
Associate Membership: $20.00
Renewal of Associate Membership: $20.00 per year or 5 years $60.00
Honorary Membership to all Australian Level 1 recipients: Gratis
Honorary Membership to non-Level 1 recipients: Gratis
Life Subscription
Life Subscription: $300.00 (Available to the three categories above).
Once only fee. A maximum number of one hundred subscribers are allowed.
Financial Hardship
Concession is available upon request in writing to the 'National President' for consideration by the 'National Executive'.
All new Ordinary Members Receive a "Certificate of Membership" and a "Lapel Pin"
Click here to download an Award Recipient Membership Application Form
Click here to download an Associate Membership Application Form
Click here to download a Membership Renewal Form
NOTE: Should a member find themselves in necessitous circumstances, please apply to the Membership Secretary to waive the fees.
The Australian Bravery Association Incorporated (ABN 69 283 023 920) is a Registered Charity and Donations over $2 are Tax Deductible.
Membership Pins